Email Counseling
Leveraging technology is a great way to enhance the delivery of healthcare. Email counseling is a convenient way to communicate with your therapist and work on resolving problems without the same time constraints as having a designated face to face video appointment. With email counseling, you can be alone with your thoughts to relax, think, feel, and type. I’ll receive the communication, review, and provide a thoughtful response.
Email counseling is not appropriate for everyone. Its important for you to be able to express yourself verbally, synchronously, in a communication exchange with others. Email counseling should not be a platform to encourage avoidant behavior. Just like the other areas of my practice, the therapeutic modality must be appropriate for your goals and your betterment as a unique individual.
Email counseling is only available as follow up sessions (initial assessment must be completed first). Pre-approval for email counseling is required. It is limited to 250 words per email.
Contact me for more details about determining fit.